HHREC Supper Seminar Series for Educators
Oct 18, 2023 4:30PM—6:30PM
56 Main St, Irvington, NY 10533
Cost $25
Event Contact Steve Goldberg | Email
The Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center will host a presentation by Eric Katz, social studies teacher and human rights activist, at a seminar on Wednesday, October 18th from 4:30-6:30pm at Sunnyside Federal Savings and Loan, 56 Main Street in Irvington, New York.
Eric will be joined via Zoom by Sam Mihara. In 1942, when Sam was 9 years old, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and the United States entered World War II. Shortly after, Sam and his family were forced from their San Francisco home by armed military guards and sent to the Heart Mountain prison camp in Wyoming. The government decided to remove all people of Japanese ancestry and place them into desolate prison camps. They would live crowded into a single 20 x 20 square foot room for the next 3 years. Sam was one of 120,000 Japanese Americans who was forced by armed military soldiers to move. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed “Executive Order 9066” on February 19, 1942, which authorized the military to remove Japanese Americans from their homes and move them to prison camps.
This event is open to our entire HHREC community, and the fee to attend is $25. To register please click here or, for more information, contact Steve Goldberg, HHREC Director of Education, at sgoldberg@hhrecny.org or call 914 696- 0738.