HHREC National Educators’ Study Tour 2023
Jun 24, 2023—Jul 09, 2023
Berlin, Germany; Warsaw and Krakow, Poland
Cost $3,800 to $4,200
Event Contact Steven Goldberg | Email

The Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center invites teachers and anyone interested in learning about the history of the Holocaust to join us for our National Educators’ Trip to Germany & Poland June 24-July 9, 2023.
Join Steve Goldberg, HHREC Director of Education and Gerrit Book, professional tour guide formerly of the Goethe Institut on an educational study tour to visit Holocaust Museums and sites in Berlin, Warsaw, and Krakow.
Participation is limited to 14 people. For more information contact Steven Goldberg, HHREC Director of Education, email sgoldberg@hhrecny.org Tel: 914 696-0738.