Book List: The Holocaust for Young Readers

Books often facilitate conversations about the Holocaust. It can be challenging to find an appropriate selection, and the titles listed below for some recent publications may help you. Please be sure to read the book first, to make sure that it is fitting to share with your child (ren).
Special thanks and gratitude to Michelle Gewanter, a member of our GenerationsForward Speakers Bureau, for helping us create this list. We'd also like to thank our interns Anastasia Goldsmith, Hannah Lewis, Kyle Unger, and Sarah Unger.
The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss (1961) – Ages 4 - 8
Picture book that teaches children to be tolerant through a metaphor of what happened during the Holocaust
Terrible Things: Allegory of the Holocaust by Eve Bunting (1996)
Ages 6 and up.
Teaches children about the Holocaust through an allegory using animals. This introduction to the Holocaust encourages young children to stand up for what they think is right, without waiting for others to join them. It shows young readers the dangers of being silent in the face of danger.
Published, Dec 01, 1996
Brundibar by Toni Kushner (2003) – Ages 6 - 9
Picture book based on the Czech Opera performed by the children of Terezin. Brundibar tells the story of a brother and sister who stand up against tyranny with the help of other children in order to help their sick mother.
Star of Fear, Star of Hope by Jo Hoestlandt (1993) – Ages 7 - 10
The story of nine year old girl who is confused by the disappearance of her Jewish friend during the Nazi occupation of Paris.
Mischling, Second Degree: My childhood in Nazi Germany by Ilse Koehn (1977)
Ages 11-14
The memoir of Ilse Koehn who is classified a Mischling, second degree citizen in
Nazi Germany. Although Ilse doesn’t know it, her grandmother is Jewish.
Ilse’s parents teach her to pretend to be a loyal German, and she joins
the Hitler Youth Movement.
Friedrich by Hans Peter Richter (1961) – Ages 10 - 14
A novel which tells the story of a young Jewish boy in Germany in the 1930s, seen through the eyes of a friend. It describes what happens to an entire Jewish family while tracing the history of anti-Jewish laws and regulations.
Six Million Paper Clips by Peter W. Schoeder (2004) – Ages 8 - 12
Tells the true story of children learning about the Holocaust who collect six million paper clips to help visualize the number of lives lost during the Holocaust.
Benno and the Night of Broken Glass by Meg Wiviott (2010)
Ages 5-8
A neighborhood cat is a witness to what occurs on the night of broken glass, and the discrimination leading up to this night. This book is told in a way that is appropriate for young children.
The Yellow Star: The Legend of King Christian X of Denmark by Carmen Agra Deedy (2000) - Ages 6-9
The story of the King of Denmark and how he would not let the Nazis persecute the Danish Jews.
The Feather- Bed Journey by Paula Feder (1995) – Ages 4 and up
While Grandma tries to repair a torn feather pillow she explains her childhood in Poland and the persecution of the Jews. Eventually she says the importance of the pillow.
Feathers and Fools by Mem Fox (1989) – Ages 4 - 7
When two flocks of birds fear each other because of their differences they become enemies. The birds must find a way to have peace again.
The Four Butterflies by Itzik Kipnis (1999) – Ages 5 - 8
Four butterflies must hide from a big beetle. Each one finds a hiding spot where they can blend in, except for the black butterfly. A bumblebee comes to his aid.
Who Was the Women Who Wore the Hat? By Nancy Pat (2003)
Ages 7-10
This book uses drawings, poems, watercolors, and photographs to teach children about the Holocaust.
Best Friends by Elisabeth Reuter (1993) - Ages 7 and up.
A Jewish child and German child are best friends until the German schools start teaching that the Jews are to blame for all of Germany’s problems. A very good introduction to Kristallnacht.
The Whispering Town by Jennifer Elvgren (2014) – Ages 6 - 10
The story of how a fishing town helps lead a Jewish mother and son to the harbor so they can escape the Nazis.
The Passage to Freedom by Ken Mochizuki (2002) - Ages 5-8. The story of a heroic Japanese diplomat who gave out more visas than he was supposed to so that the Jews could escape the Nazis.
Secret of the Village Fool by Rebecca Upjohn (2012) Ages 5-8.
The story of two young boys who think their neighbor is foolish, until he saves their lives.
His Name was Raoul Wallenberg: Courage, Rescue and Mystery During WWll by Louise Borden (2012) - Ages 10-15.
An amazing and inspirational World War ll story about how one man, Raoul Wallenberg saved the lives of many.
The Yellow Star by Jennifer Roy (2006) - Ages 9-12
A true story about a girl who had to grow up in a Jewish ghetto as told by her niece.
Irena’s Jar of Secrets by Marcia Vaughn (2011) - Ages 7-11.
The story of the heroic Irene Sendler who smuggles Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto. She kept their identities in a secret jar with the hopes of returning the children to their families after the war.
The Tree in the Courtyard: Looking Through Anne Frank’s Window by Jeff Gottesfeld (2016) - Ages 5-8.
A picture book told from the perspective of the tree outside Anne Frank’s window-this book introduces her to a young audience.
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry (1989) - Ages 9-12
A non-Jewish family risks their lives to take in their daughter's best friend, a Jew, and pretend she is part of their family.
The Night Crossing by Karen Ackerman (1994) - Ages 8-11
The story of how young Clara heroically helps her family escape Austria. A great introduction to historical fiction, World War ll, and the Holocaust.
The Champion of Children by Tomek Bogacki (2009) - Ages 6-10
The story of an heroic doctor, Janusz Korczak, who created
an orphanage for children in Warsaw, Poland.
The Journey that Saved Curious George by Louise Borden (2005) - Ages 7-10.
This book tells the story of the creator of curious George and how he escaped
Paris on a bicycle.
Shadows in Twilight by Fred Daniels (1992) - Ages 9-12
A true story about a twelve-year-old Jewish boy and his will to survive despite the horrors of World War ll.
Hidden: A Child’s Story of the Holocaust by Loic Dauvillier and Greg Salsedo (2014) - Ages 6-12.
A grandmother tells her granddaughter how she hid from the Nazis with the help of her neighbors while her parents were taken to a concentration camp.
Flying Against the Wind: The Story of the Young Women who Defied the Nazis by Ina Friedman ( 1995) - Ages 11-14
Cato was not brainwashed by the Nazis, instead she joined a secret Soviet spy ring to stand up for what she believed was right. This decision eventually cost Cato her life.
Clara’s Story by Clara Isaacman (1984) - Ages 10-14
A story of survival based on Clara Kramer’s diary of her years spent hiding in an underground bunker with seventeen other people during the Nazi occupation of Poland.
Karski’s Mission: To Stop the Holocaust by Rafael Medoff (2016)
Ages 8-12.
The historic story of Jan Karski, a member of the Polish Underground, who risked his life to tell the Allies about the Holocaust.
Waiting for Anya by Michael Morpurgo
Ages 8-11.
A young boy risks his life to help Jewish children cross the border to Spain.
Published, 1990
The Butterfly by Patricia Polacco
Ages 6-9.
Patricia Polacco tells the story of her aunt, Monique, as a girl in France during World War ll. Monique befriends a Jewish girl living in her basement, and must keep her friendship a secret to protect the girl’s family from the Nazis.
Published, June 1, 1972
The Upstairs Room by Johanna Reiss
Ages 11 - 14
Two sisters must stay in a small attack for the duration of the war if they want to survive.
Published, 1972
I Will Come Back for You By Marisabina Russo (2011) - Ages 5 - 9
A grandmother tells the story of how her father and mother go into hiding from the Nazis, While she lives with another family.
Anna is Still Here by Ida Vos
Ages 9-13
The story of Anna’s life after surviving the Holocaust. She tells the struggles of living without her friends and the nightmares she has because of her time in hiding. Anna and her parents are traumatized from their experiences and have difficulty going back to normal life.
Published, 1993
Hide and Seek by Ida Vos
Ages 8-12
Eight-year-old Rachel Hartog, her sister Esther and her parents are forced
to go into hiding as the Germans take over their town.
Published, 1995
Behind the Bedroom Wall by Laura Williams
Ages 10 -13
Korinna is a 13 year old girl who is told by her teachers that Jews are bad and need to be taken away. Korinna believes them until she finds out her family is hiding a Jewish family. Korinna needs to decide whose side she is on.
Published, 1996's+guide
The Picture Book of Anne Frank by Davis Adler
Ages 6 - 9
Anne’s life in hiding os told through pictures and brief language that is appropriate for young readers.
Published, 1993
When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit by Judith Kerr
Ages 8 -12
Nine year old Anna is Jewish and living in Nazi Germany. Her father goes missing one day. Her mother takes her and her brother to Switzerland where they are reunited with their father. They live as refugees traveling to different countries for the next few years.
Published, 1971
Raoul Wallenberg: The Man Who Stopped Death by Sharon Linnea
Ages 11 and up
Based on first person interviews, this book tells the story of Raoul Wallenberg and how he saved thousands of lives.
Published, 1993
Journey to America by Sonia Levitin
Ages 11 and up
Three sisters and their mother must flee Nazi persecution in Germany by traveling to America where they are reunited with their father.
Published, 1970
Snow Treasure by Marie McSwigan
Ages 8-12
Peter and his friends must trick the Nazis into leaving their village. They had to sneak past the Nazi guards with nine million dollars in gold. They had to risk their country’s treasure and their lives.
Published, 1942 e.pdf
The Lily Cupboard by Shulamith Levey
Ages 5 - 8
Miriam is Jewish and must hide with a non-Jewish family on a farm. She is given a rabbit to take care of. She continues taking care of the rabbit even when she has to hide in a cupboard.
Twenty and Ten by Claire Bishop
Ages 10 and Up
A school French Children is asked if they will hide ten Jewish children.
Published, 1952
Rebekkah’s Journey by Anne Burg
Ages 6 - 9
Rebekkah and her mother fled Europe during WW ll. They must live in a vacant army base with other refugees in New York. Rebekkah tries to make the army base into a home.
Published, 2006 Guide.pdf
The Tattooed Torah by Marvell Ginsburg
Ages 9 and UI
The true story of a Torah that was rescues and restored from Brno, Czechoslovakia.
Published, 1983
Flowers on the Wall by Margaret Nerlove
Ages 6 – 9
Rachel is Jewish and lives in Warsaw during WW ll. She must
stay in the basement most of the time. Her family can barely make ends meet, but her father buys her paint. She has no paper to paint on so she paints
on the walls of the basement. She draws flowers.
The picture provides solace for her and her family.
Published, April 1, 1996
The Secret Seder by Doreen Rappaport
Ages 7-12
Jacque and his parents are Jews hiding in Nazi occupied France, pretending to be Catholic. On the first night of Passover they gather with other Jews to celebrate, even though they are risking their lives.
Published, January 24, 2005
Anna and the Swallow Man by Gavriel Savit (2016) Ages 12 and up
Anna’s father is taken by the Germans, she befriends a man, The Swallow Man, who is also in danger of being taken. They end up traveling together in a world gone mad. It seems as if everything is dangerous even The Swallow Man.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Ages 12 and up
Liesel’s parents are taken by the Germans. She must now live with a foster family. She has a hunger to read read so her foster father teaches her to read and write. She steals books from book burnings so she can continue reading new books. Her foster family also hides a Jewish man who she befriends.
Published, 2005
Honey Cake by Joan Betty Stuchner
Ages 6 - 9
During the Second World War, David and his family experience the Nazi invasion of Denmark. As Rosh Hashanah approaches, they are faced with increasing danger.
Published, 2007
Once by Morris Gleitzman
Ages 12-18
A story from the perspective of a young Jewish boy hidden in a Catholic orphanage that runs away to find his parents and finds himself in the middle of Nazi occupation. He rescues a young girl named Zelda and together they hide in the ghetto and ultimately escape.
Published, 2005
Run, Boy, Run by Uri Orlev
Ages 12 and up
Based on a true story, an eight year old boy hides in Poland,pretending to be a Christian child but not before losing his arm in a terrible accident.
Published, 2001 plans/uri orlev.asp
Rescuing the Children: Story of the Kindertransport (2012) – Ages 10 - 13
This book tells the story of how ten thousand Jewish children were rescued out of Nazi Europe just before the outbreak of World War 2.
The Brave Little Boat by Stephen Ollendorff and Kenneth Sawyer
Ages 7-10
The true story of a seemingly small, insignificant fishing boat that played a heroic role in saving the lives of over 300 Danish Jews during World War ll.
Published, 2007
Jacob’s Rescue by Malka Drucker and Michael Halperin
Ages 8 - 12
Based on a true story of two brothers who were rescued from the Warsaw
Ghetto and hidden by a non- Jewish family, the author describes the fears
of Jacob and his brother and the risks and sacrifices of their rescuers.
Published, July 1, 1994
Hidden Children by Isaac Millman
Ages 10 -15
This picture-book biography focuses on a young person hidden during the Holocaust and tells a powerful story of survival, loss, and hope.
Published, January 2005
The Grand Mosque of Paris by Karen Gray Ruelle and Deborah Durland Desaux- (2010) – Ages 8 - 11
The Grand Mosque of Paris is the story of the Muslim community of Paris during the Nazi occupation of World War ll and their efforts to rescue Jews.
The Number on My Grandfather’s Arm by David Adler
Ages 6 and up
The moving story of a young girl who learns of her grandfather's experience in Auschwitz. This award-winning picture book gives young children “just enough” information about the Holocaust without overwhelming them.
Published, 1987
The Promise: The Moving Story of a Family in the Holocaust by Eva Schloss
Ages 9 -13
Eva tells the story of how she and her mother hid together while her father and brother hid in a separate house. Eventually they are discovered and sent to Auschwitz but Eva survives and discovers her brother’s paintings in the house where her brother and father were hiding. This book was written specifically for children.
Published, April 6, 2006…
Boy on the Wooden Box: How the Impossible Became Possible by Leon Leyson
Ages 9-13
Leon describes his family's forced relocation to the Krakow ghetto and how he was miraculously saved because of a clever man named Oskar Schindler.
Published, August 27, 2013
The Devil’s Arithmetic by Jane Yolen
Ages 9 -13
A 16-year-old American girl with an apathetic view towards her Jewish family history finds herself pulled through time into 1941 to a small Polish village.
Published November 1988’s arithmetic/Devil’s Arithmetic.htm
The Diary of Anne Frank
Ages 11 and up
Anne remains optimistic despite the fact that she is cramped in an attic with other Jewish families. She writes in her diary until she and the other families are discovered by the Nazis and sent to a concentration camp.
Published, 1947
Who was Anne Frank? By Ann Abramson
Ages 8 -12
This book describes Anne’s life before and during the war. It contains visuals to help young readers.
Published, January 2007
Stone Angel by Jane Yolen
Ages 4 – 8
A little girl and her family live happily in Paris until Nazi soldiers arrive during
World War II. She and her family must flee or risk being sent to a
concentration camp, so they run into the woods, where they meet
resistance fighters.
Published in 2015
Jars of Hope by Jennifer Roy (2016)
Ages 9 – 12
Jars of Hope is a picture book about Righteous Gentile Irena Sendler, a Polish social worker who went to extraordinary lengths to bring Jewish children to safety during the Holocaust.
Hedy’s Journey by Michelle Bisson (2017)
Ages 8 – 14
It is 1941. Hedy and her family are Jewish, and the Jew-hating Nazi party is rising. Hedy's family is no longer safe in their home in Hungary. They decide to flee to America, but because of their circumstances, sixteen-year-old Hedy must make her way through Europe alone. Will luck be with her? Will she be brave?
Midwest Book Award for children’s nonfiction.
Sydney Taylor Award
Best Book of the Year (2017) by A Mighty Girl.
INDIES Forward (magazine) award finalist

Together: A Journey for Survival by Ann S. Arnold (2016)
Ages 12 and up
Ann Arnold shares her family's journey through Poland's countryside during the horrors of WWII and the Holocaust. The story displays the magnificent strength of a mother's love and the incredible courage of good people during the worst of times.
Together: A Journey for Survival by Ann S. Arnold
Anne Frank (Little People, Big Dreams) by Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Ages 4 - 7
New in the Little People, Big Dreams series, discover the life of Anne Frank, the writer whose diary captured the hearts of the public, in this true story of her life.
Oskar and the Eight Blessings by Richard and Tanya Simon (2015)
Ages 4 - 8
A refugee seeking sanctuary from the horrors of Kristallnacht, Oskar arrives by ship in New York City with only a photograph and an address for an aunt he has never met.
Irena's Children young reader edition by Tilar Mazzeo (2016)
Ages 10 and up
The extraordinary and long forgotten story of Irena Sendler- the "female Oskar Schindler" who took staggering risks to save 2,500 children from death and deportation in Nazi occupied Poland during World War II- now adapted for a younger audience.
Anne Frank's Diary: The Graphic Adaptation (2018)
Ages 8-18
For both young readers and adults it continues to capture the remarkable spirit of Anne Frank, who for a time survived the worst horror the modern world has seen- and who remained triumphantly and heartbreakingly human throughout her ordeal.
Hidden by Fanya Gottesfed Heller with Joshua M. Greene (2017)
Grades 5 - 8
The true story of a young girl in the Holocaust as her family goes to their secret hiding place to escape Nazi persecution.
Destined to Live by Ruth Gruener (2018)
Grades 4 - 6
Aurelia Gamser had an ideal life in Poland until the Nazis tore through her hometown and turned her life upside-down. This gripping memoir tells the miraculous story of how she struggled to survive while hiding from the Nazis. Even when she is able to make it to America and begin a new life, the scars of the war remained with her.
Love in a World of Sorrows by Fanya Gottesfeld Heller (2005)
During World War II, the author and her family were hidden from the Nazis by a non-Jewish couple and a sympathetic Ukrainian militiaman at the risk of their own lives. Though she knows these are desperate and dark times, she understands her parents’ embarrassment that they themselves could not save her.
The Children of Willesden Lane by Mona Golabek and Lee Cohen (2017)
Young Readers Edition
Grades 3 – 7
Fourteen-year-old Lisa Jura was a musical prodigy who hoped to become a concert pianist. But when Hitler's armies advanced on pre-war Vienna, Lisa's parents were forced to make a difficult decision. Able to secure passage for only one of their three daughters through the Kindertransport, they chose to send gifted Lisa to London for safety.
The Girl Who Survived by Bronia Brandman and Carol Bierman (2010)
Grades 5th-8th
The true story of eleven-year-old Bronia and her family as they cleverly survive life in the ghetto and are eventually deported to Auschwitz II- Birkenau. Through courage, luck, and the kindness of a stranger, Bronia becomes one of the youngest survivors of Auschwitz.
The Brave Cyclist by Amalia Hoffman (2019)
Ages 9 – 12
Gino Bartali became a Tour de France champion and one of cycling’s biggest stars. During WWII he accepted a role in a dangerous plan to help Italy’s Jews. Bartali used his speed and endurance on a bike to deliver documents Jewish people needed to escape harm. His story reveals how one person could make a difference again violence and prejudice
The Cat with the Yellow Star by Ela Weissberger
Ages 8 -11
This book describes Ela’s experience living in Terezin. While there, a children’s opera called Brundibar was performed, and Ela was chosen to play the pivotal role of the cat.
Published, 2006
Black Radishes by Susan Meyer (2010) - Ages 10-15
Gustave lives in Paris but must leave with his family once their lives are threatened. Gustave must help think of a plan for his family to safely escape to America.
I Never Saw Another Butterfly
Ages 10 -13
A collection of poems and art created by the children of Terezin.
Published, 1959
The Search by Eric Heuvel
Ages 10 -14
This graphic novel shows how Esther was separated from her family when she went into hiding in the countryside. At the end of her she goes on a search to find out what happened to her parents.
Published, 2007
Night by Elie Wiesel
Ages 13 and up
Elie Wiesel describes his experience with his father in the Nazi concentration camps of Auschwitz and Buchenwald.
Published, 1956
Alan and Naomi by Myron Levoy
Ages 9 -12
Alan must work if he wants Naomi to talk to him. Naomi is emotionally scarred from escaping the Nazis but Alan’s friendships helps her talk about her experience.
Published, 1977
Always Remember Me: How One Family Survived WWll by Marisabina Russo
Ages 6 - 10
A grandmother who normally won't share the hard parts of her life opens up to her granddaughter and describes how their family survived the war.
Published, April 1, 2005
Daniel’s Story by Carol Matas
Ages 9 -12
Daniel and his family wait too long to flee from Germany, they are eventually sent to a ghetto and then to Auschwitz.
Published, 1993
Bridge to Freedom by Isabel Marvin
Ages 12 -15
When a 15 year old Jewish girl hiding in a cave encounters a German soldier who is deserting the army they work together to help save a dog’s life and their own lives.
Published, 1991
David and Max by Gail Provost Stockwell and Gary Provost
Ages 9 -11
When David goes on a vacation with his grandfather Max, he learns about his Grandfather’s life during WW ll and helps his grandfather search for someone he thought died in the Holocaust.
Published, August 1, 2006
Don’t Forget by Patricia Lakin
Ages 5 - 8
Sarah goes to different shops to collect ingredients for the cake
she is baking for her mother. At one of the shops she notices that the people have numbers tattooed on their arms. She is told not to forget
what happened to them.
Published, 1994
A Pocket Full of Seeds by Marilyn Sachs
Ages 10 -13
Nicole comes home one day to find that her family has been taken by the Nazis. Nicole must be strong and go into hiding by herself.
Published, 1973
The Shadow Children by Steven Schnur
Ages 10 -13
Etienne spends his summer at his grandpa’s farm. He encounters strange children in the woods and when he asks about them he is told they are in his imagination. Eventually Etienne discovers the truth about what happened in this town during the war.
Published, 1994
Life and Times of Anne Frank by Richard Tames
Ages 11 and up
Uses authentic pictures and the work of Anne Frank to narrate her story in a way that is accessible for children.
Published, June 1, 2003
Hilde and Eli: Children of the Holocaust by David Adler
Ages 9 and up
This book includes Frank family photographs, historical photographs, excerpts from the diary, and maps providing a new voice for the memoir.
Published, january 1994
The Grey Striped Shirt: How Grandma and Grandpa Survived the Holocaust by Jacqueline Jules
Ages 9 -12
A young girl finds a prison uniform in her grandparent’s attic. She searches for the truth about her family.
Published, 1994
The Big Lie by Isabella Leitner
Ages 9 and up
Isabella is a young Jewish girl living in Hungary. She must wear a yellow star and obey strict rules just because she is Jewish.
Published, November 1, 1994
Torn Thread by Anne Isaacs
Ages 12 and up
Twelve- year-old Eva and her sister have been forced to leave their home in Poland and are imprisoned in a Nazi labor camp.
Published, 2000
Hana’s Suitcase by Karen Levine
Ages 8 -12
The recipient of multiple honors, this moving title simultaneously shines a spotlight on the life of a young Holocaust victim and makes the process of exploring and unraveling history relevant and exciting.
Published 2002…/HanasSuitcase-SG-web.pdf
The Harmonica by Tony Johnston
Ages 7-10
After the Nazis invaded Poland, a family is split apart. The parents are sent to one concentration camp, their son to another.
Published, January 2004
Luba: The Angel of Bergen Belsen by Luna Trysznski-Frederock
Ages 6 - 9
A Polish Jew, Luba endured two years in Auschwitz, while her infant son had been Bergen-Belsen in the winter of 1944 to look after their wounded.she hears the sounds of crying on her first night there, and discovers 54 Dutch babies and children in a field and is determined to save them.
Published, October 1, 2003
Fireflies in the Dark: The Story of Friedl Dicker- Brandeis and the
Children of Terezin by Susan Goldman Rubin
Ages 8-12.
The book relates the life of Friedl Dicker- Brandeis, an artist, teacher, and eventual prisoner at the Terezin concentration camp, who worked with the children through art.
Published, 2000
The Cats in Krasinski Square by Karen Hesse
Ages 8 -10
Set in Warsaw in 1942, this picture book brings to life a little- known incident of Jewish resistance. A young girl who has escaped the ghetto lives with her older sister. With the help of friends, they plan
to smuggle food to those still there.
Published, 2004
Child of the Warsaw Ghetto by David Adler
Ages 7 - 10
An orphaned boy tells how he survived the Holocaust. He was forced into the Warsaw Ghetto and then deported to Dachau.
Published, 1995
My Secret Camera: Life in the Lodz Ghetto by Frank Danba- Smith
Ages 7 and up
Mendel Grossman was forced into the Lodz ghetto at its inception in May 1940. For the next four years, until the ghetto was destroyed, Grossman used his privileges as a photographer for the ghetto administration to covertly take thousands of pictures documenting life in the ghetto.
Published, 2008
The Island on Bird Street by Uri Orlev
Ages 10 - 12
Influenced by the adventures of Robinson Crusoe as well as his own experiences in the Warsaw Ghetto, Uri Orlev recreates the dangerous world of the Warsaw Ghetto, with a young boy who must survive on his wits and luck while waiting for his father to return.
Published, 1981
Jacob the Liar by Jurek Becker
Ages 12 and up
Jacob provides hope for people in the ghetto by lying about overhearing good news on the radio.
Published, 1969
Katarina by Kathryn Winter
Age 11 and up
Katarina considers herself a devout Catholic, but the Nazis consider her jewish. She must hide from the Nazis in an orphanage and then with her maid who teaches her more about Catholicism.
Published, October 1, 1999
Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli
Ages 12 and up
The author vividly the streets of the nazi-occupied Warsaw during World War ll, as seen through the eyes of a curious and kind orphan with many names.
Published, 2003
Survivors Club: The True Story of a Very Young Prisoner of Auschwitz by Michael Bornstein & Debbie Bornstein Holinstat (2017)
Ages 13 and up
In 1945, in a now-famous piece of World War II archival footage, four-year-old Michael Bornstein was filmed by Soviet soldiers as he was carried out of Auschwitz in his grandmother’s arms. Working from his own recollections as well as extensive interviews with relatives and survivors who knew the family, Michael relates his inspirational Holocaust survival story with the help of his daughter, Debbie Bornstein Holinstat.
Somewhere There is Still a Sun by Michael Gruenbaum (2015)
Ages 14 and up
Michael “Misha” Gruenbaum enjoyed a carefree childhood playing games and taking walks through Prague with his beloved father. All of that changed forever when the Nazis invaded Prague. The Gruenbaum family was forced to move into the Jewish Ghetto in Prague. Then, after a devastating loss, Michael, his mother and sister were deported to the Terezin concentration camp.
The Wren and the Sparrow by J. Patrick Lewis (2015)
Ages 7 - 10
"An allegorical tale about Nazi occupied Poland in which a town's residents are forced to turn over their musical instruments. A young student rescues the hurdy-gurdy of her teacher, who has presumably befallen a terrible fate, and later, a young boy finds the instrument and intends to pass it--and the importance of remembering--on to his future grandchildren".
I Am A Star by Inge Auerbacher
Ages 10 and up
Inge Auerbacher’s childhood was as happy and peaceful as that of any other
German child—until 1942. By then, the Nazis were in power, and because
Inge’s family was Jewish, she and her parents were sent to a concentration
camp in Czechoslovakia.
Published in 1993
Roses in a Forbidden Garden (2016) by Elise Garibaldi – Ages 12 and up
Amidst the unspeakable horrors of Hitler’s concentration camps,
a young German-Jewish girl finds beauty and love for a man that will
span a lifetime.
Escaping the Nazis on the Kindertransport (2017)
(Ages 9 – 12)
A powerful introduction to the Holocaust for grade school students. Designed to look and feel like an old picture album or scrapbook, this book uses memoir pieces, poems and photographs to tell the story of seven Jewish children who were rescued from Nazi Germany and brought to new homes in the United Kingdom.
One Yellow Daffodil: A Hanukkah Story by David Adler
Ages 7-10
A florist is invited to spend Hanukah with a family even though he objects because Hanukah brings back bad memories from his life during the Holocaust.
Published, 1995
One Candle by Eve Bunting
Ages 5 - 8
A grandmother and her sister tell their family how they celebrated Chanukah during the Holocaust. They teach the power of tradition, family and religion.
Published, October 1, 2002
Something From Nothing by Phoebe Gilman
Ages 5 -8
A Jewish grandfather gives his grandson a blanket. As the child grows older so does the blanket. The grandfather must fix the blanket multiple times by making it into different things.
Published, 1992
The Tie Man’s Miracle: A Chanukah Tale by Steven Schnur
Ages 4 and up
Seth is impatient and wants to light the last Chanukah candle. He is annoyed when his parents invite the tie seller, who has knocked on their door, into their house. Seth asks the tie seller about his family and the old man explains the Holocaust.
Published, 1995
Menorah in the Night Sky: A Miracle of Chanukah by Jacques Shore
Ages 8 -12
Two young boys want to celebrate Chanukah even though they are prisoners of a concentration camp. This will only be possible if there is a Miracle.
Remembering the Holocaust by Enslow Publishing (2015) -
Ages 11 and up
From the state of Nazi Germany to the infamous concentration
camps to the stirring stories of the survivors of the Holocaust
and the people who helped them, these books will help students
as they try to understand this dark period in history.
Historical Atlas of the Holocaust
The story of the Holocaust in geographical detail- country by country,
ghetto by ghetto, camp by camp.
Published, 1996
Smoke and Ashes: The Story of the Holocaust by Barbara Rogasky
Ages 14 and up
The core of the book combines eyewitness accounts, statistics, and commentary in a format that includes documentary photos ( many of them taken by the Nazis) on almost every page.
Published, 1988
The Holocaust: History of Courage and Resistance by Bea Stadtler
Ages 10 and up
This book tells the stories of Jews who resisted and non-Jews who tried
to stop the Holocaust.
Published, 1973
We Remember the Holocaust by David Adler
Ages 10 and up
Survivor accounts and photographs are used to show what Jewish life was like before the 1930s, during Hitler’s rise to power and during the Holocaust.
Published, 1989
Holocaust the Events and Their impact by Angela Gluck Wood
Ages 10 -17
A comprehensive volume which contains first-hand testimony from survivors and enables readers to appreciate the impact of the Holocaust on real people and the lives they and their families have rebuilt today.
Published, 2007